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Saturday, October 31, 2009


We went shopping this morning and then the Girl did her chores and now she is relaxing talking to her Mom and getting rested for a big night of begging candy....We are going to Missy's neighborhood to beg. I am sure they have better treats over there...

Fleta said she did not have her Grand kids this weekend because she knew they would want to go Trick-or-Treating..I told her it would be slim pickings going where she lived. I said Brother Clayton would be like the Walter Matheau in 'Grumpy Old men'...When the trick-or-Treaters came to his house he was not prepared and he gave them stuff like a box of laundry soap...That would be Brother Clayton...
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Arkansas Patti said...

I once had a friend who gave away baby kittens on Halloween. How bad is that?
Hope she got enough goodies to share with you.

Patty said...

Hope she got a lot of nice treats.