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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Heath Allan Dillon and Tracy La Dawn Dillon...

I ran across this picture today of Jerry Dillon's Kids Taken 12/74...I tracked him down on the net...He is still in Harrison Arkansas...He and Mike were good friends years ago...I will send this picture back to him. I hope he is happy to get it. He said his wife Charlotte Dillon is very computer Savvy...If she is she can find this page..
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Anonymous said...

I know him. He is a character. If his dad was Alton then he is the Jerry I know. His father just passed away a few weeks ago. He was my hospice pt. Erin

Sister--Helen said...

Erin That was his Dad,,,When Mike and I lived in Harrison he and Mike worked at the same place...I am sending this picture to him with a note about you also....such a small world...Jerry dillon is a very nice man...

Anonymous said...

He is a little ornery too. I really liked the family.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the picture of Heath and Tracy. Jerry was real excited to hear from you guys again. he said Mike is a very good friend of his. We loved Erin. She is a very good person. Jerry did aggreviate her as he does everyone. He hopes to stay in touch with you guys.


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