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Monday, October 19, 2009

From Rhea

Rhea and her friend Brenda went to War Eagle this last weekend. They go every year...She sent me this picture from down there...I wish I could have horned-in and went also...Made me homesick but everything does these days..
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Galla Creek said...

Pretty scene..wonder what River it is...White, Kings, Cedar creek??

Sister--Fleta said...

War Eagle Mill where the War Eagle craft fest is held each year is on War Eagle creek, so I am thinking it is War Eagle creek.

Arkansas Patti said...

Have you seen the movie War Eagle Arkansas yet. It is in limited theaters. I haven't seen it yet,am waiting for the DVD. I was an extra in it and am pretty sure my left ear made the crowd scene. It is a sweet story though. Check out the web site