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Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I came over to Missy's this morning and I was going to pick up Benjamin and take him back to my house. Then when I got ready to leave Missy's I figured out I did not bring a car seat....Now Benjamin had all sorts of ideas like just putting on the seat belt and 'I will not tell my Mama' But I know that boy and his Mama would of not set both feet in my front door and it would have been out of his mouth, "I got to ride in Granny's car without a car seat!" That Boy will turn on me like a dime...As far as I know he has never got to ride out of a drive way without being strapped into a car seat....So I have spent all day here at Missy's...Her house is clean so it could have been much worse...

Benjamin and I took his bike down to the park and he rode it in the grass. He is getting better and can ride almost all of the way across the park with only one push. If he had someone better helping him he would learn how to ride. The next weekend Ben picks him up I think Missy needs to send his bike. Now I am sure h@## would freeze over before that happens because she is afraid he might take him riding in traffic or something but I'll bet he would come home knowing how to ride. I wish Bill was here to teach him. This poor kid may never learn how to ride with Granny helping.

Patsy's blog has been showing a post on the side bar of my blog...It starts out saying 'Some people have no common sense..." I have been trying to get that post to show all day. I thought something was wrong with Missy's computer but I finally figured out Patsy must have deleted that post...I wish I would have read it because it must have been really bad for her to delete it....I'm sure it was aimed at someone specific..

I have been using a new looking blog posting page and I can not find a spell check on this thing....It has a lot of special things like a link tab but I do not know where a spell check is on this thing....It starts with an undo arrow at the top...then font...then font size and so on....Fleta or Patsy if yours has changed and is showing this page for a new post please tell me how to get to spell check....

1 comment:

Kimmie said...

When we all used to live in the same neighborhood in Queen Creek Missy would come over to get Austin or something and she would let both of the boys ride up front together back to her house with no seat belt