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Thursday, September 3, 2009

For The Record.....

I just want to say that although many times I have been in a Wal Mart where there is a screaming kid and I utter half under my breath...'That Mama needs to slap that kid!'  I did not mean it, I was only joking.....Unlike the stranger outside a Wal Mart in Georgia while he was searching for something outside, he kept hearing a two year old kid screaming ...He went inside the store and hunted down the kid and told the mother...If you can't get that kid to shut up, I will....Then slapped the baby four times... Some men in the store grabbed him and held him till the Police came and arrested him....I saw his mug shot and as Austin would say, 'He looked like an EVIL man.'


mjking55 said...

Your right, he had no right to slap that kid, he should have slapped the mother!

Patty said...

Yes he did look evil. I'm glad they kept him over night, at least, in jail. I'm like you, sometimes the crying and screaming can be a bit much, but think how frustrated the parent probably is, knowing the kids is upsetting and bothering others. Although I must admit, once in a while you do see a parent that it doesn't seem to bother. I just tell myself, poor kid, they're probably tired and hungry. Myself, I always tried to make it to the store as soon as the kid got up from a nap and had a snack. Made it easiest for me to. LOL Happy week-end.