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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Clayton and Clayton...

The more this health care debate goes on, the more I am dumbfounded at how stupid some people are. At one of the rallies against health care a lady spoke out and stated she was against Government run health care but wanted her Medicare to be left alone. Then earlier this week on a news program..(I think it was on MSN but I'd love to be able to say Fox because I love to give them the credit for stupid things being said) guest on the news show turned to another guest and said, 'If you are not opposed to Medicare, why don't you have it?' The man was obviously too young and he stated he was in his 40's and was to young....But the guest that was running down Government health care seemed to not know you had to be 65 to get medicare...Obviously she had more money than sense....which seems to often be the case with people opposed to it...

In just a few days my brother, Clayton, will be 65...I am sure he is looking forward to Medicare kicking in...He will not be one of those people cussing Government run health care....I can tell you he is all for it!

It still amazes me how he got a name sake.....and such a good looking boy!
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1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Two good boys. Love them both.