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Thursday, August 27, 2009

My Two Girls....

Kris has been making some good burp rags for Kimmie and Bettina. Here she is crocheting on the ends...She can sew, knit, and crochet... She is going to look for a sub teaching job this year, but with 4 kids she has her hands pretty full...
Benjamin giving his Mama high 5's....Benjamin says everyone has to listen to their Mama and when he is at my house they both have to listen to me because I am the boss since I am his Mama's, Mama....Benjamin likes it when Granny is the boss because it is sort of a joint decision making process between him and me....Sometime Benjamin's idea is better than mine...
Oh yes and he has told me, "Not everyone has a Mama's, Mama." I think they have discussed this in his school...
Benjamin had to go back to Day Care today....I think it has been about 3 weeks since he has gone....He was not to happy...
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1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Two great are so lucky...and one great benjamin.