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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Happy Birthday to me...





All of the grand kids were here except for Bill's two. Bill had to work today and Mackenzie and I went over to Missy's to look after Benjamin...

I got out Missy's sewing machine and hemmed all of Mackenzie's new jeans so she is set with school clothes now..

Mackenzie also finished hemming my surprise lap quilt she made for me. I thought it was beautiful....She also wrote in a book for me...It is really special...Amanda and Michael blew up balloons and decorated while I was gone today so I had a big birthday surprise..

Billy tried to call me 9 times today according to the caller Id...I did call him back this evening...I missed Lexi and my curly red headed
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1 comment:

Patty said...

Happy BELATED Birthday. Looks like you had a very nice day.