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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Getting Ready for Company....

I am getting excited that it is only 5 days and those 4 Grand Kids will be here....I have the 3 back rooms rooms spotless....Their bath is all set up with everything they will need while they are here. Mackenzie will stay in my room...Amanda may want to also but I doubt it....I have been looking for an extra play pen....It would not seem like a waste to buy a new one and while Lexi is here on the weekends we will need two....The one I have is Austin's old one and it has been through a lot....Bill's new baby could use a new one I am sure....So that is a possibility...

I have also been looking at buying a bed...I have a blow up of those tall ones but I think maybe I do need a bed in that back room....I am just not sure on that...I am still pondering...

Lilly is coming this evening to cut and color my hair....I am picking Austin up at 3:30 because he needs his cut also....I have not seen him for awhile so it will be really good to get my hands on him for a little while.....I can find out what he thinks about school...

I have set up 2 appointments to have pictures taken of the Grand Kids while they are here...I am hoping in 2 different days at least we may end up with one picture where everyone is happy.... It is hard to get 7 kids to cooperate...

Well things to clean...I gotta go...

and one last thing I am so proud Bill Clinton got those 2 girls out of Korea....and Fox News just needs to leave him alone......and I know Bill did not really get them out by himself....but how smart of Obama to let Bill get the glory....It really looked good to me!

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

If Erin were there she could take your pictures and they would be awesome.

yes, we are proud of Dear Bill!