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Friday, August 21, 2009
Fun Times...
Today was treatment day for me. Missy hauled me and picked me up...
Austin's Mama has been in the Hospital for 2 days. She is going to have a baby girl in September and she is having a few problems...Please pray for her, Austin loves his Mama very much and he is worried. Bettina is a good Mama to my Grand Boy and we all hope she just does just fine..Austin has been with us for the past 2 days and we have had a whole crew here. Missy was off today so she drove him to school, I got to ride along but when she picked him up I was asleep.
After sleeping all evening I got up and the house was a bit of a mess....I do not know why I did not think of it before but Kris has 2 slave children, Kaylin 13 and Mackenzie 10 that are certainly able to clean house...and for just a little cash they are very agreeable and do an excellent job.....So after they picked up and put away stuff I cleaned the baths and floors and 'wall la' we have a very clean house...
I am doing laundry right now...
Tomorrow morning we are going to try to get pictures of the Grand Kids at VVL in front of the water falls...I am not holding my breath of getting one of all of them together.....I have all ready asked Kris if I have to do anything but get myself ready and she said No...I am holding her ton that ...then I had another photo session set up at a studio Sunday...If the kids are not agreeable tomorrow....Mackenzie and I am going to have our picture made Sunday, just with the 2 of us....I am sure she and I will be very agreeable on a pose....
I have tried to be very agreeable with a whole house full of people but I know I do so much better one on one....It has not been know how they say they will be happy when company leaves well this will not be true with matter how much I fuss it is still better than not having them here...I have really tried to bite my tounge and just let them run and have fun...but it sure gets loud....I wish I was more like Daddy and less like Mama....With this many you have to keep them active and interested and you need to be right on top of things so no one gets out of hand where you have to raise your voice to get their attention and I have just not felt good enough to do that.
My blood work was a little low today. My hemiglobin has droped to 8.2 and I guess that is why I am so tired. My Daughter in lae turned 21 today and I did not even get around to getting her a gift or card....That is almost unforgiveable...
Oh well, tomorrow is another day and a chance to do better...
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Torn on your house full. I am usually glad to see company go-- till they drive out the driveway, then I want them back. Think we just need balance. Enjoy the mob.
Austin's mom is in my prayers, right beside you.
Hope you get your strength back. If you do you can fly in the clean the house in the Meadow ... one time before I move in.
They will be gone soon and you can rest. One on one is the easiest way to have grandkids...when I have three...I get beat. But two is not bad and one is easy breezy. Most fun is one at a time.
Love you.
I know how confusing a house full can be. We only had three for a few days in May. And only one left, he had to fly back to Fl where he lives. The other is our youngest daughter and her 9 year old that have been living here since Last. Oct. We've gotten use to them. But when son was here and other sisters came with their family, it got a little confusing a few times, plus my Mother had a heart cath done one of those days.
It's always nice when everyone leaves, and things are put back the way we like them. Just keep telling yourself it will soon be back to normal. Yes a one on one is a lot easier.
Now take care of yourself, and don't over do things. Wait until they are all gone, then hire someone to come in for a day and straighten up, mop, clean bathrooms and etc. You rest in bed with a couple of good books.
when school started on Tuesday...Mike said, I don't care where we go, but let's go some place. Our first day in a long time without kids....we love them, but three can be a housefull.
Iloved the email where the ole gal is talking about bungee jumping...I think I wet my pants also laughing so much...thanks
8.2 is low. you need to take it easy.
I didn't nmind one bit that you were not able to get me anything. You have your hands full and I know how tired you are!
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