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Monday, August 10, 2009

Doing the last little things....

Tomorrow night those Grand kids will be here...Their plane gets in at 9:30 PM...They will be tired...I am doing last minute things. I washed the Vette this Morning with Benjamin's help. I have to change the sheets on their bed because Kimmie stayed here last night and I want fresh sheets on the bed. My bedding will be stripped and washed today. Tomorrow morning I will steam the floor one more time. Then we will be ready....

Right now I am washing the towels I used to clean the car and draining the Jacuzzi one more time to have completely fresh water in case they want to play in it some. I imagine I will drain it a few times while they are here. My yard needs the water anyway... Benjamin is watching Curious George on channel 8.

Benjamin and I am going to the Library today and to the beach...We have to stop by his house to get his swim stuff.

Austin has football practice tonight and I hope to go watch him. I need to call his Mom to make sure he will be there. He practices right here in my neighborhood.....Nice for me but a long drive for his Mom...

Tomorrow I might make a Texas sheet cake. Kenzie loves them and I imagine Michael does also. Not Austin, He does not like chocolate except chocolate milk...

Austin is hoping to get to come and spend some time with his cousins but his Mom said he will have to be very good to get to come over...


Kimmie said...

Sorry to make you have to do extra... you should have told me and I would have at least stripped it for you!

Galla Creek said...

I hope this does not tire you too much.

Patty said...

Now you know that set of sheet couldn't have been that dirty from one person sleeping on them one night. The kids wouldn't care. You're going to have yourself worn out before the grand-kids arrive. So slow down, girl.

Sister--Helen said...

it was no problem kimmie...I was on a roll today...