I spoke to Kris at 3 and they were just getting off the ferry...It is about an hour drive from there to the airport. They were going to stop for fast food for the kids. Darrel took off work early to get them there...She always has a little trouble getting Michael a boarding pass because 'Michael Smith' is on the FBI most wanted list...We decided last time we would sign him in as Seth Smith but by the time we bought the ticket we forgot.
They will be on the plane at 6:30...Kris is going to give them a big dose of medicine so maybe they will sleep at least some...I would have to be drugged to get on a plane with 4 children 10 and under...
I have just made a Texas sheet cake and the house is spotless. Benjamin and I laid down for 3 hours today...We did not sleep but we are well rested...
I am like Mackenzie, I am to excited to sleep...Bringing them here was a great idea by Melissa.... As Mackenzie said 'Melissa is BRILLIANT!' Those Grand Babies will be here soon....Tomorrow we have a full day planned...
I can't wait to hear about all the fun you have planned
I bet the one excited more than you is........BENJAMIN!
Well now take the time to enjoy them when they arrive. Don't work yourself to death, feeding them and waiting on them.
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