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Tuesday, October 1, 2019


I know it is supposed to be here but it's  hot to me.

The pigs are doing great. Getting big.
Gilbert is coming over today and I do not have anything for him to do. Lol

Kelly and Gilbert were over yesterday looking at my electric. The wiring brother Clayton put in is not the greatest. I melt plugs trying to run the heaters in the winter. So we are going to run new wires. I will crawl under the house. Believe it or not I will make it easier than brother or nephew  either. one. I have been under there a few times in the past 5 years. Now willis could  get under there easier BUT there are snakes and spiders and both freak him out..

1 comment:

Winnie said...

Throw firecrackers under there even helps with out picking blueberries. A friend told me about this and I know it helps scare the snakes out usually🕸🐍