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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Bike riding...

Betty posted a picture of Clayton riding his bike. He is just starting and doing very well.  When I heard him breathing hard it reminded me of my last uphill bike ride.
Last year when I was visiting Benjamin he wanted to ride his bike to school. We did not let him go to school by himself. So this one morning I told him I would ride his Mom's bike and escort him to school.
Benjamin is a really good bike rider. Me not so much.
Missy has a tall mans bike. I think it is a 26 in. First thing I had to lay it down to straddle it to even get on . I knew I had to get on it that way because I had ridden it before.
That morning we take off on the downhill It is only a 2 block ride to his school.
We make it just fine. But as you know what goes down also goes up. 
Going home, I was riding on the side walk and huffing up a storm. I was not even half way home and completely out of breath. so I just stopped peddling. The bike and I fell over. I did not even try to step off. Just splat to the ground.
The thing about being so fat is there's a lot of cushion when you fall. When the bike and I landed the bike bar still had my legs around it.
Some 6th grader asked if I was alright ,which I was. I crawled out from beneath it and pushed it the rest of the way home. I think there was not enough oxygen getting to my brain to even let me know I was falling over.

Sister Fleta finally got to take a walk last night. This may have been the only day she got to walk this week. I am not sure.....But I know where she walked last evening. Down to Coin...
I went to clean the Church this morning. On the drive, just past Newberrys, I saw a Bud Light box stuck on a limb...Then at the top of the meek hill I saw 2 beer bottles standing along the side of the road. Then over past JR's  "Y,"  I saw a beer can stuck up on a limb. I knew when I saw it, Fleta had been walking that route.
We picked up all of the trash Sunday, so this was recent trash. The Douglas Road Crazy Walking Lady ....had been along there.

My car needs a bath....But the wind is blowin'  and I am lazy. Have a great day ya all...
Betty, I made a ladder and Jr  nailed it to Patsy's tree...Guess who loves it!

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

The ladder is so sweet on the Patsy tree. I am climbing it when I come up.

I knew you would love Clayton's bike ride. He is only 6 so he is doing quite well.