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Thursday, September 18, 2014


Today is Family day at the base. They got to see Lane at 12:30 and they will get to visit till 6 today. Tomorrow afternoon he will be released and they can take him.

JR and Emmie were both very anxious. Notice JR is not all smiles. He really missed his boy!

I made it home at noon today from Rhea's.  I had a nice time with her. I cleaned up things here at the house just a little. I am pretty tired so I am not going to do much today. But I wanted to post this picture.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

In Tulsa...

at a Holiday Inn Express that is surprisingly very nice.  It is almost new....

I am posting these pictures of my yard clean up for Betty....UHHHH it looks so much better...
 Greg  just getting started...
 On to the other pen...
 dragging it out...
How does it look, Betty?

We have FREE internet at the hotel...and it is so fast....My phone is not as fast as I like...I had almost forgotten how fast it can be...

Emily loves the hotel and she is so excited about going to CA and seeing Lane...

Fleta, take care of things while I am gone....I usually call Bandit up to the gate everyday and feed him a handful of cubes....

Real Quick...

Just to let everyone know I am still kicking... I must take a shower, pack and get dressed by 4. I am going with JR and Emmie to Tulsa...They are flying out tomorrow at 7:20 AM Jr wanted to drive this evening and get a hotel room...After I drop them off at the airport, I am driving on to see Rhea...Then I will come home Thursday AM...I will love to see her.
Yesterday Greg came up and cleaned the pens out of my yard...Boy does it look better..I took pictures but I have not down loaded them yet...
Jr will be at Missy's Wed Morning and later they are going to San Diego to see his boy and bring him home for about 10 days...They are all excited.
I gotta go. I have worked all morning doing laundry cleaning and putting stuff away..

Friday, September 12, 2014

Cool weather!

I love it.... It is so nice!

I made cinnamon apple jelly today. I have also made chicken and noodles for our supper.

I have done very little for the past 3 days. yesterday I went to town and over to Berryville and got tags for the vehicles. Then I made a trip to walmart because it is Robert's birthday Saturday.

last night I took Sam and Emmie to the football game. They had a good time. I did not go in but sat outside the gate reading a book.  It was good.

Today I fixed the vacuum cleaner. It needed a new beater bar and belt. I am just so talented anymore!

I have the cake ready to make for Robert. I hope he likes it!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

OH BOY!!!!

No snake smell this morning... Yesterday it was so bad I shut the door. I was afraid today would be even worse...but No.....

Plus Winnie Jo is bringing me a present on the 11th....I am not telling you what it is....Sisters...LOL

I guess I need to do something today. I am going to throw on clothes and go to JR's and clean. I did not go down there Friday because JR was home. He is home so little I never want to bother him when he is there.

I had an instant message from Judy Usrey...Darby.. this morning telling me what a jewel Emily was....But I all ready knew that. I wonder if she knows Robert is mine also....

It is after 9...I have got to get started....

Ah Betty, this couch may have been the best one I have ever owned....Can't die on this, Fleta will want it... Fleta came up yesterday and I was laying on the couch, not feeling my best....She told me to go get in the bath tub, just in case...LOL