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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Still just enjoying the day....

Nice rainy day to just sit on the porch!
 My rain gutters...Fleta had stored away in the bushes at her house and she found them...She bought them years ago for her old house..Then Greg put them up for me..
 This is honeysuckle that Fleta and I pulled up down around the old stone place...just growing along the road....and low and behold it is going to live...Someday it will grow up the pole...Hopefully
 My flowers in George's cow feeder..
 The other pole with honeysuckle
 Floyd's pasture and my tomatoes from Patsy...
 Herbs from Fleta
 The handy dandy door holder....Greg's design...No more banging shut door when the wind blows...

I know...

More Hummer pictures... But I just could not help myself! It is cool here and been sprinkling on and off...Since I have this great covered porch and then last week good ole Greg put up rain gutters for me...I do not get I have been on the porch all  morning drinking coffee...and it's now noon! I have more than 10 hummers that buzz my feeder...The most I got a shot of at one time was 7... and none of them are beautiful pictures like Erin or Fleta take ...but they are just all  over the place...I took over 100 shots today...They are just too fast! Oh but I enjoy them...Notice I went for quantity not quality...They perch in my horse shoes....I love it...

 Here is the one with 7

I should get Fleta to come and take a good picture.
I hope it slow rains all day. The yard and garden need it...
Fleta and I have not gotten any tomatoes yet...well she got 2 or 3 but that  is all. she thinks the goats are eating them....Mine are the small ones I got from Pat. They are in a tub...I do have some small green ones...but I am ready for some red ripe tomatoes...I went to see Pat yesterday. Her tomato plants are smaller than mine! So I must be doing something right. Pat gave me some pork...Thank you Pat...When I cook it I will share with Fleta...I really like to cook down here and carry a meal to her...That way she does not have the mess...Yesterday I took them burritos and Spanish rice. I put ground beef in the re fried beans...Today I am going to charcoal burgers for all of us...I have a small grill...Jr's hand me down...
Betty asked if I felt like I had another kid in JR...No but he says having me here is like having 2 x-wives...  He and Greg both are VERY good to me....Greg put tin up around the bottom of my little trailer....The end is not finished yet but he did all of the rest...This winter  I will really be thanking him for that but today the rain gutters are a blessing...I will have to take a pic...It is really pouring now and all I am getting is a mist on  me...Before it just poured off the trailer roof onto the porch since they were not connected...
I have not seen the kids today...or George...I miss the kids...I made a lemon jello cake ...I hope they like it...Robert loves chocolate but I wanted a small piece of lemon and I bought lemons yesterday at the store.
Too wet...Thank goodness for this rain my flowers are happy...
I also went to see Barb yesterday..She was just like always. Never a bad word or a complaint about anything...I told her Betty, you were placing Clayton down by Richard...Between the headstone and the tree....she said that would be beside her...not Richard...Well, Clayton will just have to talk over Barb when he speaks to Richard...
The rain lets off and then picks back up....I love it!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Beautiful Morning...

Missy and Benjamin have been back in AZ for several days....and Kris and kids are loaded up leaving Rhea's today... on to see great is MT. Rushmore among others....She is going to be home the first week in August....Austin made it home to AZ from Tulsa, yesterday...
So anyone that can view my FB please watch the Medea Clip I put on ...It is a hoot. I have been trying to figure out how to get it to my blog but can't...She (he) is telling the truth...There Ain't but 2 places yuou can have peace....In the grave and your house!  All those years I wasted not having peace. I should have been smarter and stronger. Especially for my kids! You know that hind sight is 20-20....But  I do not spend a lot of time worrying about it. I guess I have made peace with that also.....We all just do the best we can.
I have Humming birds galore buzzing my porch. I just love it. It is so cool this morning on my porch....Peaceful....yes indeed..
Yesterday I took Emmy and the Marr girl, Sam, shopping in Branson...This old lady almost walked them to death...Yes I was doing fine yesterday...Sam fell asleep on the way home and Emmy was so tired. I came home and did a little more cleaning and picked up the yard a little more. My Land lord likes the yard looking neat. It is surprising how really neat JR is. Honestly he never says anything to me but when he steps off the porch if there is a piece of paper anywhere, he gathers it up and goes to the trash. And when he does his laundry...EVERYTHING is folded just so so and all things turned in the same direction...neat... He will be home Thursday night, I think.
Our pond is looking better but it is still over half green.....

I have taken all of Clayton's Hummers....I counted 10 this morning but could not get a fast enough shot

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Denver Creek Fun!!!!

These were taken last week or today....We Had fun, fun, fun!