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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

I have action today..

look whats happening in my field today

Friday, December 29, 2023

Maybe I will post more

Sweet lexy Show me how to get blogger on my tablet and now since I have internet at my house this will be much easier for me to use it's kind of hard to post from the phone. It has been really warm and nice hearing Arizona and my sweet daughter-in-law has certainly put up with me well And anyone that knows me knows that is not easy But I have love staying here I'm now ready to go home though since Christmas is over and all I've just gotta get some things fixed on my car do I have a little bit get a little more time in here make sure I don't have trouble. I really thought on this Since I'm talking instead of typing I could say. And paragraph and it was switch but it doesn't I'm probably doing something wrong. I will be really loaded up in the car coming home again I've gotten a few free things off of the free side here. And when I say a few free things everyone hears making fun of me. Paragraph I discussed with bill last night and I may take the southern route home going through lower New Mexico And then to Little Rock spend the night with Betty and I are too till I'm sure the roads are clear it's a little longer that way I'm not Sure that I'm going to Do that it really depends on how the weather is if I sure it's clear for 2 days I'm taking my normal route it's a little shorter plus I pretty much know how to get there that way even without the GPS. I will probably spend the night somewhere going home It's kind of a long driveEspecially since I won't be able to have the windows down cause it will be cold. We had a great Christmas here Grandpa and Ronda come and Melissa and Benjamin came over and we had really good food and it was nice... Christmas eve all of Kimmy's family came over and that was really nice too. The grandkids had a really good Christmas. New paragraph I spoke to fleta and Betty a few times it's not gotten cold back there yet I'm sure it's just waiting for me to get home Lottie dawg Lexi crochet me the most wonderful blanket for Christmas I will never forget ITIT's 1 of the best gifts I've ever gotten. Well I'm gonna see if I can post a picture on this thing and see how much troubles That is I'll be posting soon.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Warm sunny Arizona…

But its cold here tonight. I went to a soccer game of Seth's and I wished I had taken one of my baby quilts. It was cold. Bill had his knee operated on today. They took a knot off his knee. It had been on there for a few years and kept getting bigger. It was a sist. It was not cancerous it was not a big deal and he is walking but he's stiff legged. Tomorrow it will probably hurt more. Im having a good time in AZ..Kimmy is a good cook. Its so nice being with the kid. I have mqde 4 more baby quilts. I'm going to make a new design tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

It’s all from the perspective

Of the one telling the story …
I have been looking every night for a red tomato. Any sign of red out there on my many green tomatoes that I have not been able to find any. last night being the sweet sister I am, I made three pans of cinnamon rolls for Fleta to take to work today. I drove down there right at dark to put them in her car.  As I was pulling by the yard I just happen to go by her tomato plants . I got out and looked at them . after walking around. I spied something red and I thought it would be kind of bad to take Fleta‘s only red tomato and it wasn’t fully red , but I touched it and realized it had a couple really bad spots on it and I thought this tomato is in such bad shape. It won’t make it till tomorrow afternoon when she gets off work. 
And I was right!



Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Twinkle lights

 I went out and watered the plants later than usual tonight it was already dark by the time I went out there. I looked up on the hill and there was dozens of lightning bugs everywhere. It looked like they were twinkle lights all over the hill it was so beautiful. I wish I could’ve got a picture of it but I knew it wouldn’t turn out with my phone, I didn’t even come in the house and get it. I’d say God did that just for me.